The Society is dedicated to the conservation and improvement of the River Foss over a distance of approximately 28 miles. This includes getting down and dirty – yes, we go litter picking and pulling up Himalayan Balsam. This helps to keep both problems under control. You do not have to be a member to join in this fun, so what do you get for your membership?
Our members receive a beautifully produced newsletter four times a year. This contains forthcoming activities and reviews of those just completed, along with articles of general interest. An electronic version is also available. We have a full programme of walks, also a number of visits and outings. Periodically you will receive by email, a reminder of forthcoming events. Check these out on our website and then join us so that you can participate. Members have priority in booking events with restricted numbers.
Go on, join us, you know you want to!
Subscription Rates from 1st January 2025
Adult | £12 |
Senior | £10 |
Households of two or more adults | £21 |
Councils | £33 |
Non-commercial Organisations | £33 |
Commercial Organisations | £40 |

How to Join
Join Online
Use our online form via the button below and pay by bank transfer.
The Society’s Bank is:
HSBC account no. 51349538, sort code 40-47-31
Please make sure you put MEMBERSHIP in the reference box.
If you need to pay by cheque, please make it payable to “River Foss Society” and send it to the Membership Secretary,
Mrs Christine Gray
147 Huntington Road,
York, YO31 9BP.
If you have any questions –
Your membership card will be sent to you and will act as a receipt for your payment.
Alternatively you can download a membership form
by clicking the button below, printing it out and posting it.
If you have any questions or you don’t have a printer contact Christine via
Please make any cheques payable to “River Foss Society” and send to the Membership Secretary,
Mrs Christine Gray
147 Huntington Road,
York, YO31 9BP.
Payment can be made directly to the Society’s Bank:
HSBC account no. 51349538, sort code 40-47-31
Please make sure to put your name in the reference box.
Your membership card will be sent to you and will act as a receipt for your payment.